Could I Have Hearing Loss?

July 24, 2023 0 Comments

Struggling to catch conversations, turning up the volume, missing doorbells? It might be hearing loss. Consult an audiologist for a comprehensive assessment.

Parent Infant Program (PIP)

July 21, 2023 0 Comments

Parent Infant Program (PIP): Empowering Parents to Embrace and Communicate with Their Deaf Children Hear His Voice Uganda’s Parent Infant Program (PIP) is a groundbreaking rehabilitation program that seeks to …

A Life Transformed with a Cochlear Implant

July 21, 2023 4 Comments

Overcoming Hearing Impairment and Inspiring Change In the face of adversity, stories of hope and transformation often emerge. One such remarkable journey is that of Elaine Asaba’awebwa, the daughter of …

Hearing Loss – What to do?

July 8, 2023 0 Comments

Do you feel you have a hearing loss? Then don’t hesitate, go and have your hearing tested by a hearing care professional. The longer you wait before you start to …

The Majestic Power Beyond Hearing

July 6, 2023 0 Comments

Our hearing is used 24 hours a day, is the key to communication and hence to social interaction. The ear is man’s most efficient but also most sensitive sensory organ. However, its importance in our modern, visually-oriented world is often underestimated. Below is  an infographic that illustrates the influence our hearing has on various aspects of our lives and how we can protect it.