World Hearing Day with Hear His Voice Uganda

March 27, 2024 0 Comments

World Hearing Day celebration, promoting awareness and fun activities for all

The Hear Me Concert 2023

January 11, 2024 0 Comments

Hear Me Concert 2023: A radiant celebration of love and triumph for children with hearing loss at Kitante Primary School. Director Eddie Mukaaya extends gratitude to parents and encourages seeking support at HHVU and other hearing centers.

Empowering Children with Hearing Loss: Hear His Voice Uganda’s Journey

August 25, 2023 0 Comments

Discover how Hear His Voice Uganda empowers children with hearing loss through AVT and AVEd, enabling them to achieve their full potential

Unlocking Potential: Cochlear Implants and Empowering Children at Hear His Voice Uganda

August 25, 2023 0 Comments

Hear His Voice Uganda is a non-government organization working with children with hearing impairment and hard of hearing but with cochlear implants in them. Our vision is to empower every …


August 25, 2023 5 Comments

I am one of the students who found delight future at Hear His Voice Uganda. This rehab center was established to extend hearing services like diagnosis, language therapy, auditory verbal …

The Role of aSpeech-Language Pathologist (SLP)

August 25, 2023 0 Comments

As a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) at Hear His Voice Uganda (HHVU), my mission is to empower individuals with hearing loss and their families to effectively communicate and connect with the …

The Impossible Made Possible

August 25, 2023 11 Comments

 It’s when I came to Hear His Voice Uganda (HHVU) that I learned about the possibilities of the deaf child or heard of hearing individual to hear and talk. It …

Hear His Voice Uganda’s Foundational Auditory Verbal Therapy Training 2023

August 19, 2023 0 Comments

Hear His Voice Uganda’s foundational Auditory Verbal Therapy training, led by experts like Rosie Gardener, sparks hope for children with hearing loss.

Empowering Families: Experts Rosie Gardener & Selma Karsan Meet Parents

August 19, 2023 0 Comments

In the heart of Uganda, a beacon of hope and empowerment for children with hearing loss shines brightly through the efforts of Hear His Voice Uganda (HHVU). On Sunday July …

What If I Have Hearing Loss? What are my Options?

July 24, 2023 0 Comments

Living without local ENT or audiologist? Don’t fret. Ask nearby health workers, travel to a city, or advocate for services in your area. Prioritize your hearing health