Hear His Voice Uganda is a non-government organization working with children with hearing impairment and hard of hearing but with cochlear implants in them. Our vision is to empower every …
As a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) at Hear His Voice Uganda (HHVU), my mission is to empower individuals with hearing loss and their families to effectively communicate and connect with the …
It’s when I came to Hear His Voice Uganda (HHVU) that I learned about the possibilities of the deaf child or heard of hearing individual to hear and talk. It …
In the heart of Uganda, a beacon of hope and empowerment for children with hearing loss shines brightly through the efforts of Hear His Voice Uganda (HHVU). On Sunday July …
Overcoming Hearing Impairment and Inspiring Change In the face of adversity, stories of hope and transformation often emerge. One such remarkable journey is that of Elaine Asaba’awebwa, the daughter of …
Do you feel you have a hearing loss? Then don’t hesitate, go and have your hearing tested by a hearing care professional. The longer you wait before you start to …